For the precise monitoring of pyrolytic boilers, I rely on the tried-and-tested MQTT and SparkplugB protocols. These enable reliable data acquisition and transmission in real time.

With MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) as a lightweight, reliable protocol, sensor data can be collected eff...

Together with the company 4E Engineers, a FOSS-architecture was designed and set up to allow for the comprehensive monitoring of any components of a building's technical equipment. Highly flexible edge node gateways collect data from a wide range of protocols, which are then made available for further analysis.

Technologies used:
  • Docker
  • Grafana
  • InfluxDB
  • NodeRED
  • Flux
  • Modbus
  • 1-Wire
  • WMBus

With OMIO I provide a service for secure, fast and easy management of your real-time data. Open source tools are orchestrated for data acquisition, storage and analysis to provide a basis for further analysis tools and algorithms. In addition, an interface for the connection of water monitoring winches has been developed.

Technologies used:
  • MQTT
  • NodeRED
  • Telegraf
  • InfluxDB
  • Grafana
  • Python
  • Docker Container

Im August 2019 wird das automatische Gewässermonitoring mittels einer Winde zur regelmäßigen Erhebung von Tiefenprofilen in Betrieb genommen. Messparamteter wie Wassertemperatur, pH-Wert, Chlorophyl und Sauerstoff werden voll automatisiert erfasst und dem Betreiber zur weiteren Verarbeitung in der eigenen IT-Infrastruktur zur Verfügung gestelt.

Eingesetze Technologien:
  • Siemens S7 1200
  • eigene Konstruktion der Windentechnik
  • OTT Hydrolab Messtechnik
  • Logger OTT netDL 1000