The next generation for automated depth profile monitoring. Compared to previous developments, the cable is spooled onto the drum with this winch. A cross-thread spindle acts as a linear guide to ensure the cable is placed on the drum in an orderly manner. The overall system is much more compact and versatile.
For the transfer of knowledge and technology, technical animations of the structure of their pyrolysis systems were created for BIOMACON GmbH. The aim was to schematically convey the structure of a pyrolysis system. This was realised based on 3D models of the plant and specially created objects. The resulting scenes were animated and then rendered as video sequences. These serve as visual instructions for the construction of a BIOMACON plant in India.
Im August 2019 wird das automatische Gewässermonitoring mittels einer Winde zur regelmäßigen Erhebung von Tiefenprofilen in Betrieb genommen. Messparamteter wie Wassertemperatur, pH-Wert, Chlorophyl und Sauerstoff werden voll automatisiert erfasst und dem Betreiber zur weiteren Verarbeitung in der eigenen IT-Infrastruktur zur Verfügung gestelt.